Tastes like coffee when you dream about coffee.

At Juicebox Coffee, we believe that posting a statement about “what we believe” on a coffee website is kind of silly and mostly people just want to have a nice cup of coffee. Understandable! That is why we select the beans we think taste good, ethically sourced from small farms in the best coffee-growing regions in the world, and then roast them ourselves in Comer, GA, USA. Also, it comes in a jar with 40% more beans than your average specialty bag!

Sip And Enjoy


Sip And Enjoy :)

Delicious Beans For Your Cup

Three varieties for every kind of day! Roasted in Comer GA USA.

On Special

Squeaky clean, fully washed Ethiopian Yirgacheffe. Feels like drinking a cup of morning sunshine. Light, citrus, totally pleasant.

Yoga Chef 10 oz.

Visit our roastery.